March 2024 Newsletter

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April 2024 Calendar

Steppin' Out In Faith

Let's play a game: "Bad News, Good News." I'll describe a situation, and you tell me if it's bad news or good news.

You're in college calculus class. Your professor texts you, asking you to come to her office to go over, as she puts it, "every detail of last Thursday's test."

You get a letter in the mail from the IRS. They are sending agents to your house to discuss "every detail of your tax returns for the past six years."

Your doctor's office phones. They need you to clear tomorrow's calendar and come in for a consultation. The staff needs to make sure you understand "every detail of your diagnosis and the upcoming treatment regimen" your doctor has prescribed.

This is the last one. The Bible says, "The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives" (Psalm 37:23).

Some of us are optimists; we may look forward to a conversation about last week's calculus test with our professor as a chance to recruit her as a mentor. On the other hand, who knows what the focus of such a discussion might be? Discussing every detail of one's tax returns with a federal agent doesn't sound like much fun, does it? And the appointment with our doctor? If we've been sick and are about to take steps toward a promising treatment, we might welcome a detailed discussion. Still, a treatment plan that takes all day to explain?! I'm not so sure that's great news!

So what about the last one, Psalm 37:23? The Lord delights in every detail of our lives. If we leave out the word every day, this verse might encourage us a lot more. Right? What if it read: "The Lord delights in the details of our lives?" That leaves us some wiggle room. That makes it possible for us to convince ourselves that He may overlook a detail or two:

Last night's senseless, ugly argument with our daughter, son, friend, or spouse.

The gossip we share is shared way too often.

The selfishness and self-centeredness that guide so many of our decisions.

The impatience with which we care for a toddler or an aging parent.

But there is no misreading of the verse. That pesky thing is there, plain for all to see. The Lord, the Creator of all that exists, knows all the details and cares about all the details—every last one of them. It would be bad news, terrible news, the worst news of all... Except for these details, the details of the plan by which our Lord has saved us are: Those who depend on the law to make them right with God are under his curse, for the Scriptures say, "Cursed is everyone who does not observe and obey all the commands that are written in God's Book of the Law." So it is clear that no one can be made right with God by trying to keep the law. The Scriptures say, "It is through faith that a righteous person has life." Galatians 3:10-11

Through faith, we are righteous. Through faith in Jesus, our Savior, we have life—a whole new life. Through faith, we are the godly, blameless, holy ones the Bible describes. This is all God's gift—in every detail! It's free! But it's not cheap. It costs us nothing; it costs God everything! Jesus died—a very real death, a gory death in every detail—to make our new life and our righteousness before God possible!

That makes the truth of Psalm 37:23 totally and overwhelmingly good news!

The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23

As you walk through life day by day, step by step, you never walk alone. Jesus walks beside you. He is your faithful friend, defender, and Savior. He guides your steps, delighting in each.

Your steps this week may take you into your professor's office or your doctor's exam room. You may tiptoe into your daughter's bedroom or your friend's kitchen to apologize. You may even step into a detailed IRS audit. But wherever you go, you can walk in humility, confidence, and courage. Your Lord delights in you! You are forgiven, righteous, and dearly loved!

Remember Jesus' constant, faithful presence. Let your Savior light your path as He guides you into words and deeds of love and service that will delight Him—and you too!

Church Council Meeting

Sunday, April 7th, 2024, at 11:30 a.m.

Church Voter's Assembly Meeting 

Sunday, April 21st, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. (No Bible study today.)

All confirmed members of Trinity, age 18 and over, are considered voting members and are encouraged to attend the Voter's Assembly meetings.

Call News

Rev. Sean Smith of Mason City, Iowa, declined and returned the pastor's call to Trinity Lutheran, M.C.

Christina Heiss of Cary, Illinois, declined and returned the teacher's call to Trinity Lutheran Classical School in Miles City.

On February 25, 2024, the congregation voted to call Concordia, Fort Wayne, IN, seminary student candidate Erik Saunders, age 36, married with two young children. CTSFW's Candidate Placement Service will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. EDT with the Rev. Dr. Lee Hagan, LCMS Missouri District President. CTSFW hopes you can join them via live stream for this special service. When the time comes, visit the Call Day 2024 webpage at for live stream access, placement lists, and photos from the event.

Volunteers Needed To Deliver Meals on Wheels

Trinity Lutheran Church members will deliver meals to the homebound or elderly in Miles City through the "Meals on Wheels" program beginning on Monday, April 29th through Friday, May 3rd, and Monday, May 6th through Friday, May 10th, at 10:45 a.m. sharp. Two people working together are needed for three different routes: the north side, the central area, and the south side of town. All meals are to be picked up at the EOC Kitchen located behind the Senior Citizens Drop-In Center at 17 South 11th Street. (Please back into the wide, paved alley behind the building.)

Some rules for volunteers: you must be healthy; there must be no fever; no children in the delivery vehicle; and delivery volunteers must wear disposable gloves, which can be provided by the kitchen.

A sign-up sheet will soon be available in the narthex, or call the church office at 406-234-4983 to sign up. Questions? Terry Hurick (406-232-0152) is the local MOW contact. Thank you!

Ladies Guild

Lutheran Women's Missionary League

Trinity Lutheran Guild met on Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall with six members present. Maureen Klapmeier and Theresa Scheid hosted, serving an apple crisp with pistachio ice cream. Bible study was led by Claudia Kransky from our quarterly, "Take My Life." The roll call question was, Who was the most influential in your faith? Minutes were not present. Emma Morrison gave the treasurer's report.

Old Business: The upcoming Pastor's Dual Circuit Conference to be held at Trinity, M.C., on May 13–15 was discussed in terms of what we need to serve. We would like the congregation to bring a potluck on Tuesday, May 14th, at 5:30 p.m. We will discuss the final details at our next meeting.

New Business: Holy Week is March 25th–29th. Maundy Thursday, March 28th, is the stripping of the altar at the end of the service with the guild's help. Saturday, March 30th, at 9:00 a.m., is the cleaning of the communion ware and the altar to prepare for Easter.

The meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer.

Submitted respectfully, Theresa Scheid

April Duties

Communion: Maureen Klapmeier, Marlus Amsden

Hostesses: Emma Morrison, Claudia Kransky

Bible Study: (from Quarterly)

Spring Church Work Day

Saturday, April 13th, 9 to 12 noon. Inside and out Come work with us for a few hours if you can. It's your church too!

Lent Thank You's

Many thanks to all who hosted, helped with, attended, and supported this year's Lenten suppers.

The February 21st taco bar Lenten supper, hosted by the LYF and LYT, raised $292 for the LYF and LYT Youth Groups.

The February 28th baked potato bar Lenten supper, hosted by the Youth Ministry Committee, raised $405 for the S.S., VBS, and youth groups.

The March 6th variety of crock-pot soups, Lenten Supper, hosted by the Board of Christian Education, raised $482 for Trinity Lutheran Classical School's Scholarship Fund. Elnora Ottenbacher applied for and received a Thrivent Action Team Grant to help with this event.

The March 13th Lenten Supper, hosted by the Board of Witnesses and Outreach, raised $495 for the Faith Kelly (Ellis) Mendenhall Medical Fund. We later received another $20 donation for this.

The March 20th spaghetti Lenten Supper, hosted by the Board of Stewardship, raised $391.25 for the Bill Whitmarsh Medical Fund.

Pie Social 

Thank you and report

The 2024 20th Annual Pie Social raised $2,470.08 for New Pastor Moving expenses and Luther Classical College, Casper, WY., at $1,235.04 each. Thank you to all who helped with and supported the Pie Social in any way.

$1,000 remaining from the 2022 Pie Social, which was originally raised for congregational social events and has not been expended, will also be split equally between the New Pastor Moving Fund and Luther Classical College at $500 each.

Thank you to all for your generous support throughout the years!

Lutheran World Relief Driver Needed 

On Friday, May 10th, a driver is needed to take LWR boxes from Trinity, Miles City, to Our Savior, Glendive. Contact Theresa Scheid at 406-234-0463 or 406-851-1460 or Claudia Kransky at 406-232-0284 or 406-853-0379 if you can do this.

Thrivent Action Grants

Each member of Thrivent is eligible to apply for two $250 Action Team grants per year for the local community or world mission ministry of their choice. The money comes in the form of a $250 pre-paid VISA card to be used to purchase service project materials, food for dinners, advertising, etc. Grants must be applied for a minimum of 21 days in advance of the event, although it is best to apply at least 30 days in advance.

Ginger Mueller applied for and received a $250 Thrivent Action Team Grant to purchase biblical puppets for the Sunday School for the students to use to perform skits with.

If you have recently applied for and received a Thrivent grant to help with a project or event, please inform the office so it can be acknowledged.

You may contact Elnora at 234-6211 for help in applying for one of these grants online.

Old Eyeglasses

Trinity has a collection box for old eyeglasses. The eyeglasses left here will be taken to Wal-Mart and put in their eyeglass drop box. If you have prescription eyeglasses or reading glasses you no longer use, please take them out of the drawer and donate them for mission use. You may place glasses in the eyeglass collection box in the Trinity narthex above the mailboxes or take them to the "Eye Glasses" donation box by the Optometry-Vision Center at Walmart. Either way, they will be repurposed for use by those in need.

Free Items Available

Pastor has brought over books and items he is getting rid of as he packs to move to his new home on S. Earling.

The family of Viola Molstad has also brought over several items that are available to anyone who would like them.

All free items are on the side tables in the fellowship hall. Look them over today and take what you like.

Vacation Bible School

June 17 - 21, 2024; 9 AM – 12 Noon

"A Mighty Fortress" by CPH

In Jesus, the victory is won.

"Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him." Proverbs 30:5

VBS Co-Directors:

Pam Henman, Sarah Trogden, and Erica Norland

Join us for this year's Vacation Bible School program.

Kids will learn that God is their refuge and strength. Friends may fail them. God promises to be their rock and their salvation—their fortress and sure defense.

This year's VBS mascot, Hubert the Hound, is ready to sniff out adventure. He invites you to put on the armor of God, present your shield, and raise your banner as we cross the moat into the castle and search the halls and corridors for VBS fun and knowledge. God's Word stands alone with real stories about real people. Children will leave knowing their need for a Savior and that His name is Jesus. That's VBS with a purpose! To God be the glory!

Classroom Helpers, Craft Leaders and Assistants, Playground Game Leaders, and Kitchen workers are needed. If you would like to volunteer, your time, please contact the following:

Pam Henman at 406-852-0634 or 406-234-4012 or

Sarah Trogden at 406-853-3455 or 406-234-5324, or 

Erica Norland at 701-527-7947.

So raise your banner! Hold it high. The battle is done. "Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is He." Zechariah 9:9 "Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord, Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 15:57

TLCS Preschool News

The children finished off the unit on Dr. Seuss with a Wacky Dress Up Day for the 3 and 5-day students. They also got to try green eggs and ham.

Our next unit was on community helpers. The two-day students colored, cut out, and matched up workers with their vehicles. They also painted a paper plate brown to represent mud. They colored three pigs and a farmer and glued them onto the plate, along with colored pompoms for grass and hay. The 3 and 5-day students worked on coloring a book of people with different occupations.

St. Patrick's Day was celebrated with each class painting a rainbow. Then they made a picture with the rainbow, a pot of gold, and shamrock stickers.

For Easter, each class colored a "He is Risen" picture with a construction paper boulder to be rolled away from the tomb. The two-day-old students painted an Easter egg with pompoms attached to clothespins to work on their fine motor skills. The two-day students also colored Jesus on a cross and attached it to a popsicle stick (attached to a cardboard roll). The 3 and 5-day students colored Jesus, Mary, and the tomb and attached them to a paper plate with grass and cross stickers.

The three and five-dayers worked on the letters T, U, and V and reviewed Q, R, S, T, U, and V. They made a turkey for the letter T, an umbrella for the letter U, and a vase for the letter V.

The two-dayers worked on numbers 3, 4, and 5.

We read stories about Community Helpers, St. Patrick's Day, and Easter.

In chapel, we learned about the true meaning of Easter: that Jesus died for our sins and rose again.

After Easter, the students will start to learn some new songs for our graduation and promotion services to be held on Wednesday, May 22nd, and Thursday, May 23rd.

There will be no school on Friday, April 26th, for our spring break.

Registration letters for the 2024–2025 school year have been sent out. Registrations for returning preschool students are due by May 1st. If you would like TLCS Kindergarten registration information and have not gotten it yet, please contact Peggy in the office. Registrations for our preschoolers planning to attend fall TLCS Kindergarten are due by May 1st, with a $150 registration fee.

Those planning to send their child to Miles City Unified School District public kindergarten in the fall are asked to call 406-234-3890 at Highland School or 406-234-2888 at Jefferson School, or go online and register them at

There will be a developmental screening on Wednesday, April 10, 2024, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for children ages zero to five years old at First Lutheran Church, 512 South Cale. Areas to be evaluated by professionals will include fine and gross motor skills, speech and language, vision, hearing, concepts, and reasoning. This service is free to those who are residents of Miles City School District and Custer County whose children are not attending kindergarten. Appointments are required. Please call 406-234-3812 for an appointment and additional information.

In Christ, Mrs. Virginia Rhoades

TLCS Snack and Dessert Sales Report

Trinity Lutheran Classical School had an annual fundraiser in February selling dessert and snack items. The goods arrived on March 19th. Thank you to all who helped with distribution.

Top Sellers

Left: Briggs Lindberg; right: Daxel Fulton

Top seller Dax Fulton, son of Roy and Nicole Sparks and Courtney Fulton, with just some of his awesome prizes.

Congratulations to Our Top Sellers!

Dax was our top seller for the TLCS CART Snack & Dessert Fundraiser. Briggs was the first runner-up.

TLCS Top Sellers:

Preschool 2 Am Class:

Kilyn Elliott

Bryley Cook

Preschool 3 Am Class:

Daxel Fulton

Briggs Lindberg

Preschool 5 Pm Class:

Avery Grove

Noah Krull

Kindgarten and 1st Grade:

Odin Hilderbrand

Veronika Helm

2nd - 3rd - 4th Grade:

Jacob Cooper

Addylyn Neibauer

5th - 6th - 7th - 8th Grade:

Riley Rosencranz

Jayden Smith

Thank you for your participation! $7,733.80 in profit was raised for our school. The students who sold received some awesome prizes!

TLCS Classroom Expansion 

Work has begun on the new basement classroom #3. To date, we have received $20,510 in donations toward this project. If you would like to donate, please make your check payable to Trinity Building Fund and note in the memo: Classroom Expansion.

TLCS K-8th News

We hope you all had a blessed Easter holiday.

Our most recent chapel offering distribution of $89.94 was sent to Wycliffe Bible Translators, Ron and Roxanne Gebauer.

We enjoyed the Lutheran Hour Ministries Global Kids Fund Online Mission Trip. This year, it was in Australia.

The children participated in a Lenten service on Wednesday, March 6. Thank you to all the students who attended. The congregation enjoyed listening to you sing and play the chimes.

The 3rd–8th grades will be doing Scholastic testing on April 8th–11th.

We will have Friday, April 26th, off of school for spring break.

TLCS is currently registering for fall classes. Please get your registration paperwork in by May 1st and your registration fee in by June 15th. After June 15th, the fee will increase to $200 for any returning students. The Board of Christian Education is working diligently to find another teacher for our school. Having a good idea of our numbers for 2024–2025 would be helpful.

In Christ, Michelle Rice

"I thank my God for every remembrance of you." Philippians 1:3

National Volunteer Appreciation Week

April 21–27, 2024

Thank you for your service!

Preschool Sessions Offered:

2-day morning for 3 and 4 year olds

3-day morning for 4 and 5 year olds

5-day afternoon for 4 and 5-year-olds

I Come To Hear God's Word

Just think! At our classical school, Sunday school, and church, we get to gather with other believers to hear God's word and to worship Him. For many centuries, doing that was illegal. Still today, in many places, it is banned or dangerous.

By regularly bringing your child to God's house, you model the importance of getting together to be encouraged and to encourage friends and family in the faith.

"Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another." Hebrews 10:25 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I among them." Matthew 18:20

Best of all, when we gather around God's Word, we hear the great, good news that we are forgiven and dearly loved because of the cross and empty tomb of our Savior!

As you grow, you are learning many important things. But learning about Jesus, His love, and His forgiveness is the most important thing of all!

Montana District LCMS

Red Lodge 2024 Summer Bible Camps

Family Camp JUNE 21 - JUNE 23

Church Workers Camp, June 24-June 26

Catechism Camp June 27–June 28

Catechism Camp is for students going into 7th or 8th grade and parents.

"Let marriage be held in honor by all."

Join us for Bible study, devotions, hiking, crafts, singing, campfires, and more! The registration fee is $125 per family per camp. Catechism camp is $75 for a child and parent(s) to attend. Registration forms for all camps are available on the table in the narthex or from your church office upon request. Questions? Contact the Montana District LCMS Office at 406-259-2908 (mornings are the best time to reach them) or at You will need to arrange your transportation to and from the camp(s). Please return your registration by June 3rd.


"There is hope in Jesus, the Light of Life!"

"In the resurrection, we find solace in our mourning, in our uncertainty, and our troubles. Our longing for escape finds its hope in the resurrection of Christ. It is God's approval of the redemptive work of His Son. It is the assurance that as He was raised from the dead, so shall we, and all who have 'fallen asleep in Him' shall be raised to life eternal." 

Pastor Robert Fleischmann, Christian Life Resources

"So, what can we do? We must keep doing what we have always done. We must continue to be gospel-motivated voices for life. We must be sure our church members, families, friends, and co-workers understand the value that God places on all human life." 

Diane Albers, President of Lutherans for Life

"Scripture and prayer are our strongest weapons to change hearts, and we must persist and never give up, no matter how disappointing things get with evil laws being enacted or evil intent coming our way." 

Virginia Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations, Lutherans for Life

"It is He who sustains us every day. It is He who brings us into the world and He who draws our earthly lives to a close at the proper time. It is He who was born for us, He who died for us, He who rose for us, and He who reigns on high for us. His is the pattern of our lives." 

Deaconess Bethany Stoever, Director-at-Large, LFL of Kansas

The mission of Lutherans for Life is to witness the sanctity of human life through education based on God's Word.

Hurting from abortion? A word of hope can help.; 888-271-8679.

Whose Is It Anyway?

If you have ever bought or sold a house, you are acquainted with the concept of a "title search." Before you can sell your house, and before anyone else will feel comfortable putting down the money to buy it, you have to prove that you own it. So a title company looks through the public records to ensure that you bought it from the person who owned it, who bought it from the person who owned it before that, all the way back to the earliest records of your state, including when your state was only a territory or colony of England.

Peak into a preschool classroom during playtime, and you'll see a simplified version of this. A child starts playing with a ball, but another child says, "That's mine; I had it first."

You can't understand the Seventh Commandment without understanding the concept of ownership or title. As the Small Catechism puts it:

You shall not steal. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not take our neighbor's money or possessions or get them in any dishonest way, but help him to improve and protect his possessions and income.

Your neighbor's possessions are his: you don't have a right to take them. And likewise, your possessions are yours. Ownership and property rights are foundational to any functioning society.

But there is something deeper to know about ownership, and that is the question of who has the title and ownership over you. Paul says, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price" (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).

If you are owned by God, then of course everything that you own, you only possess by God's leave; all of it, at the bottom, belongs to Him since you belong to Him. You were bought with the blood of Christ.

This notion is the foundation of all Christian stewardship. It all belongs to God. It should all be used for things that bring honor to His name, blessings to our neighbors, and the extension of His kingdom.

LCMS Stewardship Ministry:

Treasures in Heaven

Matthew 6:19-21

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be."

What more is there to say about stewardship beyond this? These are the words of our Lord Jesus, and we would do well to heed them, for they flow from His heart of love.

"Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

"A Different Beauty"

Brenna Westlake, now 12, was born with a condition that makes her skin grow too fast, become thick and inflexible, and look red and scaly. While managing Brenna's complex care and helping her master developmental milestones, her parents have made discoveries about beauty.

"Sometimes the most beautiful things... come from the unexpected parts of life that encourage us to search a little harder to find where the beauty lies—to put aside preconceived notions about what beauty is and what it isn't," writes Courtney Westlake in A Different Beautiful (Shiloh Run Press).

"There is a different beauty than the perfection our culture often worships. That beauty is found not when we open our eyes but rather when we open our hearts. That different beauty is found in the uniqueness God has bestowed on every single one of us and the gifts He has placed within us to be shared with the world."

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3.

More 2024 Newsletters

March 2024 Newsletter

February 2024 Newsletter

January 2024 Newsletter