April 2021 Newsletter from Trinity Lutheran Church

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Praise Ye the Lord!

As the Psalmist and other men of God sang “Hallelujah” in praise to Jehovah, so the Church across the years has lifted up its voice in glad “Alleluia!”

We praise the Lord because of His mighty act in raising Jesus Christ from the dead. Death has no more sting, and victory has been snatched from the grave. Because Jesus lives, we shall live also.

At death we go into His presence. We shall know our loved ones, in Christ, and shall be known by them.

The lily is one of the rich symbols of immortality, of New Life, and is familiarly associated with Easter.

Sang the Hymn Writer: 

“In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea, with a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me.”

That beauty, that loveliness, and that glory become precious realities as the Easter Gospel opens our hearts to Christ anew once again this holy Easter season.

So, with new hope and joy and power may the true, inward meaning of “New Life in Christ” rule in all that we think and do and say.

We join in worship this Easter in our beloved Church, with our Church family, so that we may hear the Good News of Christ’s victory and share it abundantly with the world. This we do with a glad and loving spirit.

“Alleluia, Jesus Christ is risen today, He is risen indeed!”

Easter Blessings

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